marți, 21 aprilie 2009
Life over money
Life over money 21.04.2009
1.It's time for all,for you and me
To celebrate a magic tree,
The tree of life
The time has come
For all of us to share a song,
The song of lust
And be prepared
For things to come
For they will change
The broken drum.
2.The only thing that really matters
It's not the wealth,the poor and bold,
But love wiht good and friendship
For that is reason not resort.
3.And there i say,
The way in life
Is over money,
For money is ...
Nothing more that a good ilussion for weak men.
4.You desire power
You desire fame
You only got you're guts
And you're good damn name
It's not a game,it's only lame,
To measure life that way
In you're mindless brain..
5.Same for me and same for you
The comunist will say
More for me and less for you
A democratic mind saids
All for me your's are mine
A voice from the anarchist is heard
None for me and none for you
That's what i'll say,
For power is nothing more than a stupid lame game.
6.Don't tell me you have forgot
About you and me
I loved and cared,
I weaped and cryed
For you,for him,
My friend and wife
But this is life,and nothing more than one silly ride.
7.No hope,no tears
I wish I had regrets
I wish you in my arms
I wish you at my chest
I wish I wish you'd go you;re way
The law of life, the law of man,
It's big mistake,you think it's all the same.
8.Blonde hair,green eyes
My love,I wish you;re heart was red
But that you lack
That's why my heart is still so black
9.You're face is a gentle night kiss
Sweet melon lips,
You weap and cry
Cuse everybody lies
And curse those eyes,for making such painfull sight
I see myself with my own eyes,you're face covered in a thousand cryes...
I wish you were my own sweet bride,
But money nowadays
Life over BUYS
Omul rol de trista-fericire !
OMul rol de trista -fericire 20-21.04.2008
1.Unde merg,unde ma duc ,
Fete multe,multe plang,
Toate duc pe acelasi drum
Drumul presarat cu scrum,
Unde stai,unde te-asezi,
Unde tipi,unde visezi
Caci in timp unde ma duc
Tot ce vad e tot urat.
Tot tristete si tot chin
Da sa iei cupa cu vin
Dar sa nu fie venin.
2.Mergi agale,mergi incet
Tot acelasi drum defect
Mergi in spate,mergi mai lent
Esti un om fara talent
Mergi in fuga,te grabesti
Iti strici viata fara gres....
3.Oameni palizi ,oameni de seama
Tot in oala ei se frama
Mari decenii cu mari genii
Nu mai sunt ,s-au dus cu vremea
Xenofon ,Eschil,Socrate,
Platon si cu Hermocrate
Oameni mari ,oameni de seama
Ei se duc in mare graba.
4.Cicero,Plotin ,Seneca
Unde-s ei ca sa ne vada
Cum in loc de inainte
Noi ne-am dus tot inapoi
Iisus ,MOhamed si Buddha
Dupa ce ne-au invatat despre lume,despre fapte
Noi razboaie am purtat
Am ucis si am pradat
De iubire am uitat
5.Roisler,Watson si cu Darwin
Nu s-ar agita o era
Sa implice,sa explice
Cand ar sti ca-n asta lume
Ca in loc de evolutie
Am gasit un loc mai "bun"
6.Tineretea e frumoasa
daca sti sa o pastrezi
unde nimeni altul poate
Langa suflet ,nu in beci
dar de ma intrebi pe mine
eu v-as spune la toti vai!
caci virtutea nu sta-n vorbe,
nici in bere nici in ban,
nici un drog nu poate sa-ti spuna
cum sa-ti faci un colt de rai
nici femeia iubitoare
nu poate sa te invete
cat fac 2+2+10
iar un ban ,vorba aia
Iti mai pune cate-o toala
cate-un petec ,cate-un snur
iti mai da si cate-un ghiul
si-o masina cu steluta sau cu W inscris pe ea
Dar nu poate sa te invete
Ca ce faci e in zadar;
Vorba aia batranete
Cat traiesti esti un magar !
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